Passover Program Review- 4/8/06
This program was a lot of fun! We learned a lot about Passover while still having a good time :) We had a discussion about the 4 sons and how they reflect real life. We also had to play memory with the order of the seder. The winners got macaroons! We also ate passover food such as "passover pizza" but it was really ledo's pizza. We also had grape juice as a wine substitue and said the blessings for it and lit candles. It was a very successful program!
submitted by: Rebecca T.
The BK/Achshav/Nava Italian Dinner
This BK hosted event was a great oppurtunity for Nava to bond with other chapters. First, we had an icebreaker where we had to say what our special place in the world was. Then, we headed to the basemment for the wonderful meal :D. The appetizers were salad I think and both Cari and myself clumsily spilled orange soda. Whooops. The main course was some kind of pasta dish and garlic bread. And dessert was amazing! We had homemade peanut butter cups and also these peppermint cheesecake things and chocolate chip cookies. There were cute decorations in the basement which were absoolutely perfect for the atmosphere. We also played the purse game where we pulled out objects from our purse after a person shouted out the object. We also played the "this is a ____, a what, a ____....." game where we had to pass around objects. It was very confusing. Laugh out loud. In addition, there was a raffle for a bunch of different things. All in all, I'd say the program was very fun!
sumbitted by: Rebecca T.
Recreation Program 5-20
We all went to Sahars for a funfilled recreation program. First there was a very well organized scavenger hunt and the clues were very well written. Once we all found the last clue we headed to the gazebo for some snack and then had to leave the gazebo because there were too many people in it. So we hung out outside for a while and played childhood gmaes like red rover and also this trust game. Many people disobeyed the trust and the game got messed up, it was so funny. After the program, we went to the diner and visited with our favorite silver diner waiters, Zach and Chris. The program was so much fun and Sahar, Marissa, Lindsay, and Gabi did a fantastic job planning it!
submitted by: Rebecca T.
May 20th was a recreation program planned by Sahar and Marisa. It was in sahars yard and on her driveway. If you werent there im sure you had a good excuse, but it was an AMAZING program that will be remembered. We started out having a scavenger hunt looking for clues to lead up to something...my group had a clue flew away so we basically just chilled, but it took shorter than expected so we all just ate (what else?), and played trust games. It was really fun and we all got a good laugh in! Then we went to the diner, and celebrated the birthdays of Jamie Aaron and Lindsay Rosenthal, and we saw our fave waiters Zach and Chris! I had an amazing time at this prgrm!!
submitted by: Rose A.