Spring Term 2005
Nsiah - Lindsay S.
Sganit - Jenn A.
MIT mom - Kimmie G.
Shlicha - Hagar H.
Mazkirah / Gizborit - Cari R.
> nava's exec board
starts spring two thousand and five
plus funny bios
--Amy L.
Exec Board Fall Term '09 (contact info and blurbs coming soon...)
N'siah: Ty M
S'ganit: Nora P
MIT Mom: Maddie K
Sh'licha: Jessica M
Gizborit: Ali J
Katvanit: Emily S
Mazkirah: Joanna K
Sunshine Girl: Elena M
Spring Term '09 Board:
N'siah-Amy L- Besides being absolutely in love with Nava BBG #2500, I love babysitting (no seriously.. i'm not even exaggerating), soccer, and tap dance. Okay, so I'll admit that I'm not that good at soccer but I love playing anyways. I've been tap dancing since first grade and will probably continue doing so for a while. I'm 16 yrs old and a Sophomore at JDS. I belt out songs from time to time and doing havdallah/song sesh brightens my day. no joke. Feel free to call me about anything anytime BBYO related or not, just try not to text me.. i have only 300 a month. kcoolthanks :)
S'ganit-Lindsey Pt- Upon exiting the womb I knew I was destined to be a BBG. Haha, that's a lie. I was actually forced into joining but I wouldn't have it any other way! Besides BBYO, my interests include Canada, pictures, cleaning my ears, sunscreen, foam fingers, and calling people "smelly". I looked like a boy until 6th grade, and now I just sound like one. I am crazy about summer programs, but I'm sure you already knew that..oh hey Operation Shema 08 and CLTC 7 08. I have a legitimate fear of being hit in the nose. I'm also really awkward on the phone, so please try not to call me. I'm really just looking to have a good time so if you can make me laugh kudos to you. Oh, I have also been trained in six musical instruments, so if you ever feel like talking music please hit me up!
MIT Mom-Ty Ml -hi. my name is ty. i wish i could fly. high in the sky. ok so what do you need to know about me? hmmm...soccer is the best sport ever and i would spend my life playing the game if i could. I'm in the IB program at school and it's torturously tedious and dumb. Psychology is the most interesting thing of my life and Nava BBG #2500 IS my life...other interests may include wakeboarding, lacrosse, jumping from tall places into lakes (do not attempt at home), playing with fire and harassing prospective MITs. um...that's about it for now. peace! =p
Sh'licha-Naomi R- In West Philadelphia, born and raised. On the playground, where I spent most of my days. Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool...just kidding. My actual life sounds pretty boring in comparison, but basically, I was born and raised in Wayland, MA and then moved here beginning of my sophomore year (a year and a half ago). I go to RM and I am 16 years old. I used to be a part of NFTY when I lived in MA, but now I'm in the BBYO cult. My favorite Disney princess is Pocahontas and I love the beach. I'm also kind of a hippie. O yea and I'm addicted to Nava.
Gizborit-Emily S- So I would like to sit here and talk about how i have a very interesting life...and I will! Nava is my life, and it IS extremely interesting! Otherwise im a freshman at Wootton. I'm very bubbly, friendly and excited about just about everything! If you have any questions come to me...I'm very open to suggestions!I love talking and listening to people, so even if it's not about bbyo give me a ring!
Katvanit-Maddie K
Mazkirah-Ali J-She enjoys long walks on the beach and making calls to people she's rarely met. She loves writing, reading, taking pictures, listening to [good] music, making friendship bracelets, and telling stories that often do not have a point. Her favorite movie is a three-way tie between Juno, The Usual Suspects, and 10 Things I Hate About You. She enjoys long walks on the beach and yoga ;) Haha and she loves Nava and does little else with her free time. Love you guys!
Sunshine Girl-Leah K -Hi, my name is Leah, and I'm a Navaholic. Thats pretty much me in a nutshell. I go to WJ High School where I enjoy history class and debate. I love going to meetings and programs and procrastinating. I am WAY excited to be your sunshine girl for the term and i know that Spring Term 09 will be amazing! If you have any suggestions or anything you want to say, please email me. Love ya Nava :)
Madrichot-Rose A -I am 17 years old and a senior at Wootton High School. I have been in Nava since 8th grade and it has seriously been the best time of my life. I am very giggly and I cry a lot. (Seriously like a lot). I am also very short. I like to shop and drive people everywhere. I say merr a lot. I also tend to talk a little too much. I absolutely am in looove with Nava and I love each and every member of Nava. (i guess i'm just a little corny). If I dont know you yet, I hope to get to know you better! And I do absolutely nothing besides BBYO, so if you ever wanna hang out, let me know. Love you all with each and every bit of my heart.
Laura Epstein-
Melissa Z- Age: 18 :), School: JDS, Hobbies/ Interests: BBYO, tutoring, piano, tennis/ working out, writing, listening to music, dancing, shopping, organizing, stalking left- handed people, and socializing.Favorite colors: Red and yellow (duh), Favorite foods: salad and chocolate, Favorite drink: tea, Favorite musicians: Ne-yo, Alicia Keys, Lil Wayne, T-pain, Justin Timberlake, Usher, Frank Sinatra, Michael BubleGreatest fear: Being lonely/ unloved, Greatest accomplishment: Being N'siah of Nava (no joke), Favorite Quote: What you feel is what you are and what you are is beautiful, Favorite Quote #2 (I'm a BBG, I have to have more than one!): A memory is a photograph taken by the heartLife lesson: Never regret because it was what you wanted at the time, Life lesson #2 (I'm a senior, I have to have more than one!): If you reach your goals you didn't aim high enough. Push yourself to the limit because that is what you are capable of achieving. HOWEVER, T-O-O much of anything is not good. Create a balance; it will keep you sane. (OK, so that was more than one life lesson... they were good though!) OK, that's all I can think of. If you would like me to answer any more questions please feel free to let me know!
N'siah- Rose A
S'ganit- Amy L
MIT Mom- Amelia E
Shlicha- Lindsey Perreault
Gizborit- Lindsay R
Katvanit- Ty Migdal
Mazkirah- Naomi R
Sunshine Girl- Maddie K
Spring 08 board is...
N'siah- Laura E
S'ganit- Rose A
MIT Mom- Gabi F
Sh'licha- Amy Lieberman
Katvanit- Naomi R
Mazkirah- Lindsay R
Gizborit- Nora P
Sunshine Girl- Julie C
Madrichot -Melissa Z
Becca T
Cari R
Hagar H
Jenn A
Advisors- Gwen R
Shira R
Fall 07 board is...
N'siah-Melissa Z
S'ganit-Laura E
MIT Mom-Rose A
Sh'licha-Amelia E
Katvanit-Amy L
Mazkirah-Lindsey P
Gizborit-Rachel L
Sunshine Girl-Jessica E
Spring 07 board is...
N'siah Becca T
S'ganit Melissa Z
Mit Mom Marissa P
Sh'licha Laura E
Katvanit Amelia E
Mazkirah Gabi F
Gizborit Rose Albert
Sunshine Girl Rachel J
Madrichot Cari R
Hagar H
Jenn A
Fall Term 2006!
N'siah: Cari R
S'ganit: Rebecca T
MIT Mom: Talia H
Sh'licha: Melissa Z
Katvanit: Laura E
Mazkirah: Michelle H
Gizborit: Sahar S
Sunshine Girl(s): Lindsay R and Gabi F
Madrichot- Lindsay S
Jennifer A
Hagar H
Spring Term 2006
Nsiah - Hagar H.
Sganit - Cari R.
MIT mom - Rebecca T.
Sh'licha - Jenn A.
Katvanit - Talia H.
Mazkirah - Sahar S.
Gizborit - Melissa Z.
Sunshine Girl - Michelle H.
Fall Term 2005
Nsiah - Jenn A.
Sganit - Hagar H.
MIT Mom - Cari R.
Shlicha - Rebecca T.
Mazkirah - Melissa Z.
Gizborit - Kimmie G
Spring Term 2005
Nsiah - Lindsay S.
Sganit - Jenn A.
MIT mom - Kimmie G.
Shlicha - Hagar H.
Mazkirah / Gizborit - Cari R.