Spring Term 09 Minutes:

  Meeting started at: 7:08
Menorah Pledge was read by: lily, mira, melanie, rose,shayna, laura, jenna, isabel
Motion to move into the reading of the past minutes: ali, second: mira
Motion to move into communications: julie, second: melanie
Communications: membership dance, superbowl party
Motion to move into reading of the past minutes: lindsey, second: ali

Motion to move into officer reports: nava, second: ali
Advisors: respect to families that host programs (stay to clean up)
Madrichot: rose informed us that madrichot are always there for us if we need them
Sunshine girl: brought cookies! and passed around chill book and quote book
Mazkirah: check the website! passed around paper to sign if you would like calls and what you want to see on the website
Katvanit: writing templates (rhyming), personals
Gizborit: ISF story and fun fact! explained receipt book and reimbursment forms, also passed around wearable voting sheet
Sh'licha: ways to be energy efficient and israel updates <--check your email!
MIT mom: read urban dictionary deffinition of bbyo (WRONG) and had girls correct it

S'ganit: hosting program info cards
N'siah: explained lifetimes (melissa's is feb. 20) parent teen shabbat is before. Also talked about the suggestions (theme) box and parent roster.
Motion to move into old business: leah, second: jenna
Old business: roses states, fundraiser at fuddruckers, spirit day
Motion to move into new business: lindsey, second: rose
New business: ruby tuesdays, membership dance, superbowl party
Motion to move into closing rituals made by: maddie k, second: maddie k
Meeting ended at 8:05 pm