Sunday, June 10: Parent-Teen Brunch and Sunshine Girl Elections!
Who: Nava BBG!!!!!!
What: A funfilled afternoon of food, talking, and parents, and then sunshine girl elections!
Where:Amelia E's House
When:10 AM-12 PM (the election will start at 11:40 AM, please come!)
>Monday, June 11: First Council Meeting of the 2007-2008 Programming Year! (at the JCC from 7-8:15)
>Friday, June 15: The States of Nava BBG #2500 as given by its N'siah @ Marissa Perlmutter's House
Saturday, June 2 to Sunday, June 3, 2007: Chapter Convention!
Who: Nava =)
What: 6 fold programming, inductions, elections, meals, your favorite BBGs, lifetimes, good and welfare, and more! planned by Jamie Lauren Aaron.
Where: Hagar H's House
When: 4 PM on the 2nd until about 2 PM on the 3rd
Extra Info: Get your forms in Wednesday! They are attached! It costs $20.
Wednesday, May 30,2007: Chapter Meeting!
What: Going crucial chapter business for states, chapter convention, and the term!
Where: Rebecca's House!
When: 7 PM-8:15 PM
Extra Info: Chapter Convention forms and money will be due this day!Chapter Convention costs $20. This is the last chapter meeting of the term!!!!!!!! AND-the theme of this meeting will be shopping!
Sunday, May 27, 2007: CARWASH/BAKESALE
Who: Nava BBG and the community
What: Sell food and wash cars to raise money for our amazing chapter and get tan while doing it!
Where: Executive Shell Station on Rockville Pike
When: 10:30 AM-3 PM
Saturday, May 26, 2007:Pool Party with Beshert BBG!
Who: Nava BBG and Beshert BBG
What: Come to a night full of water, fun, and BBGs!
Where: Paige Gross's house (
When: 7PM-9PM
Extra Info: Bring $5.00 to get in and a bathing suit/towel!
Monday, May 21, 2007: DC Council Awards Night
Who: DC BBG and AZA :)
What: Old counil board is destalled, new board is installed, chapter and individual awards
are presented, people speak.
Where: JCC
When: 7:30PM
Extra Info: WEAR RED AND YELLOW! Come support Jenn, Hagar, and myself as we are installed onto council board!
Saturday, May 19, 2007: Fabulous Sisterhood Program!
What: Creative and fun sisterhood program planned by Talia Halperin and Emily Zweig
Where: Talia H's House When: 7PM-9PM
Monday, May 14, 2007: Chapter Meeting
Who: The beautiful girls of Nava BBG #2500!
What: Chapter busines... duh!
Where: JCC
When: 7PM-8:15PM
Extra Info: The theme of this meeting will be technology, be creative
Saturday, May 12, 2007: Fabulous Jewish dentity Program!
Who: Nava BBG =)
What: An amazing program where you will explore your Jewish roots.
Where:Lindsay P's House
Monday, May 7, 2007: Chapter Meeting
Wo: The beautifulgirls of Nava BBG #2500!
What: This meeting is crucial because caucus will open (moreinfo coming soon!)
Where: JCCof course!
When: 7PM-8:15PM
Extra Info: The theme of this meeting will be travel! So bring a toy truck or something haha.. ALSO-bring 5 dollars for ISF!
Saturday, May 5, 2007: Dinner and a Movie date with Ramon AZA!
Who: Nava BBG andRamon AZA
What: Dinner and a movie.. duh. First we will eat dinner at Potbelly's and then head towards the movies. The movie willbe chosen as soon as movie times are updated-I'll let you know which move later on this week.
Where: Regal Rockville Center 13 ( 199 East Montgomery Avenue Rockville , MD 20850 )
When: 6PM(potbelly's)-to whenever the movie ends (10 PM atthe latest)
Extra Info:Bring about $20 for dinner and the movie ticket!